By Jay Marriner, 20/06/2022

Recently I've been looking into freelancing and providing services for people so I can fund a game development business!
One method I've been looking at is fiverr. It seems like it may be quite difficult to get noticed on the platform but I'm going to try to be actively checking on it and perhaps advertise my services on Google to try and get some income rolling in.

I'm also quite tempted to restart my main YouTube channel and really push hard to create content, I had a series creating reviews of games that was fairly successful back in 2019 and so that would be great to do again. YouTube would be ideal as becoming successful would mean I could convert viewers to my services for those who wanted them. YouTube also offers passive income although reaching the requirements for monetisation can be difficult!

Either way I'm going to have a serious push in the coming weeks to try and generate some personal income.

Wish me luck!